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1) If you’re an advertising agency, contact us through the email provided.

2) Guest Posts

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting guest posts from passionate writers and experts in our site’s niche.

Avs Series is a professionally designed, large TV Series website, making it ultimate destination for those seeking high-quality entertainment from the world of movies, dramas and anime (181,000 visitors & 1.8 million page views 1 Nov 23 – 30 Nov 2023 ref GA4 and the trend is continuing).

Avs Series has a vast collection of high-quality content, ranging from gripping narratives to captivating animations.


  • Minimum 600 Word
  • 2-4 External Link (No Nudity, Gambling or Alcohol)
  • 100% unique content relevent to our Niche


  • We offer a reasonable fee for the service.
  • We Publish and Index Your Content Within 24 Hours. We can also help in creating the article.
  • Our updates catagory will be used for the purpose
  • The article may contain Disclaimers such as “This post may contain affiliate links”.
  • The post will remain on the homepage for a certain period.

These advertising opportunities are beneficial in creating a wealth of exposure to your business and attracting key buyers for your products / services. Conversion rates are high due to our uniquely targeted traffic.

For more information on guest posts, contact us through Email.

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